Blue Grimalda

Blue Grimalda

Vina Matošević Blue GRIMALDA MERLOT * TERAN Group: Grimalda Cuvee of Merlot and Teran (50/50) made in climatically unique years (2012/2013) with exceptional juiciness in the varieties that make it up. Where to buy Alba Alba Riserva Alba Robinia Alba Antiqua Aura Ombra...
Grimalda Red

Grimalda Red

Vina Matošević GRIMALDA RED MERLOT * TERAN * CABERNET SAUVIGNON Group: Grimalda Cuvee of Merlot, Teran and Cabernet Sauvignon (60/30/10). All three varieties are aged separately for 15 months in oak barrels. It is a complex, long-lived, juicy, but also easy-drinking...
Green Grimalda

Green Grimalda

Vina Matošević Green Grimalda Sauvignon BLANC Group: Grimalda It is a varietal wine made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes that matured longer with an additionally limited yield. This is a wine with a more mature aroma that was aged in a combination of oak (6 months) and...
Grimalda White

Grimalda White

Vina Matošević GRIMALDA WHITE ISTRIAN MALVASIA * Sauvignon Blanc * Chardonnay Group: Grimalda Cuvee of Istrian Malvasia, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc (45/45/10). The three varieties were aged separately on the lees in French oak barrels for 12 months. This makes it...